This was a
sign I thought. I dismissed Yvonne telling her we must never do that again. She
parted an evil smile and left. I know what it meant. I can’t resist her
seductions and she can have me anytime she wants to have me.
I sat down
to ponder over the what just happened when another knock came on the door.
“Why. Do you
want sugar too?” I shouted
“Yes, Elorm.
I want to taste your sweet sugar”
I raised my
head to the softness and direction of the voice. She smiled and shouted surprise!
It was
It was
barely two minutes since Yvonne had left my place. Baba God, glory to you! I
didn’t want to lose Amanda and certainly not because of a girl like Yvonne.
Surely, not after I have been through hell for her to accept my proposal. All
the Alhaji work, all those Pizzas and surely the threats I have received from
other male competitors on campus. I wasn’t ready to let all those efforts go to
waste. Besides, I loved Amanda. `She was the only real thing in my life.
Amanda noticed
the change in my visage when I saw her. She came closer to me and placed a
quick passionate kiss on my guilty lips. Her eyes beamed with the compassion of
a nightingale as She asked me what was wrong. I nearly spilled the beans. One
look at Amanda’s bulky brown eyes could make me tell her anything, divulge any
secret. But not this time. This was a secret I could not never let lose.
I kissed her
back and told her that I love her. She smiled displaying her beautiful pair of
dimples. The rest of the day which was a Sunday went on smoothly without any
other drama. We played scrabble together. She watched me play FIFA with
Stephen. I watched her sleep. She woke up at 9:00p.m and left to Navro hall to
prepare for lectures the following day.
This was
love. I could feel its vibrations at all the facets of my anatomy. We barely
had sex but anytime she left I felt my being drawn into more hallucinations of
our time together. I found myself reminiscing with John Legends “All of me”
playing in the background. Was it this that Romeo felt when he saw Juliet? It
could have. It must have been this feeling that is being nestled as a nestling
of all my faculties; driving me crazy. But why? If this was love, why do I cheat
on her? If my love was so strong for her, why can’t i overcome the machinations
and crafted seductions of Yvonne who I didn’t love? Love conquers all they say.
But does it?
I pondered
and lingered over those thoughts without any apparent answer. But I arrived at
a conviction. I must end my affairs with Yvonne and confess to Amanda tomorrow!
That was my
plan. Unfortunately, my plan was too naïve, void and too static to deal with
the events which were to begin to unfold the next day. Those events which
altered, distorted and disoriented me from myself. Changed everything.
Who knew?
Who could
have guessed?
To be
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